Saturday 13 January 2018

Dear Mr Kilmer

I took a long period of time to finish the story too much things to do and limited time to read yet make me feel so uncomplete. I hate whenever I read half way story books especially when it need more then a week to finish the storyline. 😔 But whatever, what is important now I finished it last week. I'm not sure whether the book is real / true story but it must be interesting if it is a true story.
My review, it's good and excellent story as moral values to all people out there that tell us thers is no easy way to had a peaceful country. Richard such an inspiration boy and always stand up with what he believes. I like the part where Hannah said every time I see you I believe what my father said is true ( something like that )  It's good ending for both of them but not Mr.Kilmer.
Read the book the story is interesting. 9/10 rate ( because I like chic lit books more ) 

Bye 🌲
Ok I just search the story is true event

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